In the number one slot for our Trestle board is the door header/lintel for the door that leads to the interior of the Scottish Rite building and of course, access to the the bathrooms which is needed before is can schedule dates for the planned events.

We hit a major snag when doing the rough opening measurements as the hallway in the Scottish Rite has a low ceiling. Add that to the difference in floor height of 8.5 inches between the two buildings and we come up way short for the required rough opening needed. In order to use the matching original door the frame and casing will have to be proud of the wall instead of set inside as most doors are. This is going to complicate the installation for sure as special modifications will have to be made. In case your wondering, the door is 90 inches tall.

So back to the drawing board for a new design for the steel header. The current plan called for an 8 inch C-channel which put us below the required 78 inch headroom rule. Some more math to be sure but I’m sure we’ll get started on it soon.
Update: Have some new instructions for the door header/lintel. The new method involves 3/8″ plate steel welded into what some may refer to as ‘C’ channel. It’s basically a flat piece of steel 18″ wide 48″ long with 2 sides 6″ tall. This will fit tight to the top of the brick over the door with the 6″ sides extending up with (3) 1/2″ bolts on each side into the brick. This puppy weighs in at 150lbs so I’ll need a helping hand or two to get it in place, twice. Yeah, we’ll have to dry fit it first before we can be confident it will all go as planned.
I’ve priced out the raw materials. $285 for the lintel/header plate steel. The 2x6x0.187 metal steel tubes we’ll be using as the jambs, the steel that’s going to hold it all up, come in at $650.00. The jambs also need to be field welded once in place. Made two calls today to see how much the fabrication will cost but no calls back as of yet. I’ll post a drawing soon.
Step 1. Cut rough opening for the door frame including metal jambs.
Step 2. Dry fit and then install 3/8ths welded metal lintel with trough slurry, shoring and wedging level across top.
Step 3. Drill embedment holes, clean and epoxy 1/2” threaded rod 6” deep. Wait 24hrs, attach nuts.
Step 4. Install jambs tight to wall and lintel, clean and epoxy 1/2” threaded rod 6” deep. Wait 24hrs, attach nuts.
Step 5. Field weld the jambs
Step 6. Install custom made door frame and door with seal and auto closer.