The subject of the Library’s symbolism and what it all means.., has been requested by more than a few. It would seem that Most Worshipful and I had taken the easy way out of not having to explain by degree the Libarary’s symbolism, hidden and not.
We agreed that it’s not enough to merely lead a horse to Water and then drop the reins to dangle against the fetlocks that he might think afore of the options. Wanting only be of service, I have decided to put down some informational curvy track as it were, in order for those that wish to see the Library and it’s symbolism a tad more rightly, than not. Most Worshipful especially, would think me remiss if I didn’t even salt the grain, or rub your gums with wet hands before you gave up the bit and moved on to thoughtless pastures. Please enjoy the curvy tracks that in my opinion, lead in a right direction to the intended foundational basis from which to work, with the Library.
Notice that the words, ‘informational’ and ‘work’, appear in the above paragraph. To Read Is Not Enough!!! Not wanting to cheat a Brother out of the value of anything, I have decided on a written form in which the information must be worked through by the reader in order to gain the knowledge in which it portends to convey; a unified meaning to the symbolism – hidden and not, in the Library.
Between the two of us.., as if by Magic – Rabbit’s New Face poured forth as habit specialized. Click the link below to read the PDF.
“Rabbit’s New Face”, a Masonic Fairy Tail, by PM Robert Gordon Kille is not unlike most Fairy Tails or esoteric texts in that they have more in between the lines than most suspect. We will be going through the mechanics and/or structure of at least this one fairy tale to help discover or unlock those deeper meanings. If you’re a mind to jump ahead and do some sluething (work), on your own, you can start with the second to last illustration, the image of the man laying down and interpret the esoteric meaning of the pillow.