Many of you know that Rudyard Kipling, the famous author, was a Mason. He has Masonic overtones in more than a few works but this one, ‘The Palace’, is outright in your face Masonic as the day is long. A few years back I was trying my hand at interpreting the poem for a lecture/presentation, it’s esoteric side if you will.
Somewhere in the midst of this excercise I though I’d Google around a bit to see what others had written on the subject and to my great surprise, nothing much came up. Just when I was going to quit – as if by Magic – I landed on a page that went well beyond my meager efforts of making sense between the lines.
We will in an evening of Brotherhood, probably over a beer and pizza, briefly discuss this article, and then continue on with constructing out of paper the hidden cubes and message contained in the poem as demonstrated by the author. For me at least, this tumbling of the words and placing them on an actual cube to decifer the message as illustrated, is somewhat needed to – see it for myself.
Here’s the link to said author and article, as we won’t have the time to read it out loud and discuss it during the workshop. It’s well worth the 26 page read starting on page 9. https://www.kiplingsociety.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/pdf/KJ311.pdf
Date: To be announced.